Some cleaning jobs require a little more than your average tools and some elbow grease. If you have thick tar, mold, mildew, tree sap, oil or other tough substances to tackle, then a pressure washer may be what you need. These outdoor power tools are perfect for cleaning decks and patios, driveways, fences, or the outside of your house. Every homeowner really should own one.
With so many options on the market today, you will want to be sure you purchase a good model from a reliable company. We will take a look at eight electric models from the Greenworks company. Each will be reviewed and then we will decide which one is the best overall. Keep in mind, though, that the various models have different features. What may be the best choice for some users might be different for your own specific needs.
About Greenworks
Greenworks was founded in 2007 as a general, all-purpose tool company. Today, they have grown into a thriving business that is known for their power tools for home and garden use. They also make some commercial equipment as well. In addition to their lawnmowers, trimmers and snowblowers, they make some of the best pressure washers on the market. The company is a member of the PWMA. This group was formed in 1997 to set the standards of high quality for the design and manufacturing of pressure washers. All of the models reviewed here come from this highly reputable company.
Our Greenworks Electric Pressure Washer Reviews
1. Greenworks GPW1950
The Greenworks GPW1950 comes equipped with a powerful motor. The 13-amp induction motor is strong and efficient. It will have whatever you clean looking like new in no time. It is able to move 1.2 gallons-per-minute and produces 1950 PSI water pressure. A 25 ft. hose and 35 ft. power cord make sure you can reach any area that needs your attention. An extension attachment makes it easy to reach the second story of your house or around other objects to get to the grime.
This is a very compact unit that should be easy to store or to transport around your property. It’s easy to get the GPW1950 to where you need some extra help with your cleaning duties. The unit is 21.06 x 18.5 x 12.01 in. in size and weighs in at only 46 lbs. It’s already light when carried, but some large rear wheels make things even easier by allowing you to roll the unit around. Its small footprint while stored is further aided by some smart design features. A cable holder and hose reel are both built into the unit. Even the nozzles and accessories snap securely into place in convenient, easy-to-access locations right on the pressure washer.
Speaking of nozzles and accessories, the GPW1950 offers a nice variety. You can quickly change the nozzles to provide a slim and powerful jet of water or a wider, light-pressure fan to tackle just about any job. The unit is very well built, but if something unfortunate should ever happen, Greenworks stands behind their products. This pressure washer is covered by a comprehensive, one-year warranty.
2. Greenworks GPW1602
The Greenworks GPW1602 offers the second-lowest price of the eight models on this list. It’s a wonderful budget buy for anyone who may only occasionally need a pressure washer. It has a powerful motor that is capable of producing 1.2 GPM and 1600 PSI. The unit comes with a 20 ft. water hose and a 35 ft. power cord to make sure you can easily get to the areas that need to be cleaned. being an electric unit means you will never have to worry about gas or oil. Starting is easier too, with no recoil cords to pull or worry about. A soap applicator is included with this pressure washer to aid you in cleaning the most stubborn dirt and grime.
One neat feature of the GPW1602 pressure washer is that it can be used vertically or horizontally. This is great when you need a little more stability for a specific job. The unit is compact and lightweight so it’s easy to store and to transport. It can easily be adjusted for various spray types and pressure outputs so you have just the right flow for the job you’re taking on. Like all Greenworks outdoor tools, this pressure washer was made rugged and is able to stand up to different temperatures and levels of outside moisture.
For more information, make sure to read our full Greenworks 1600 PSI pressure washer review.
3. Greenworks GPW1501
While model GPW1602 was the second-cheapest model, the Greenworks GPW1501 is the most affordable pressure washer on this list. If you want a high-quality unit that is priced low, this is your model. The mix of quality and low price make this an excellent value. This unit is very similar to the others in build materials, ruggedness and in the features offered. Some cuts were made though to keep the cost down. It comes with less attachments and nozzles. Greenworks includes a 40° low-pressure nozzle and a more streamlined, high-pressure 25° nozzle. These two should cover most jobs and if you should need something different, Greenworks sells nozzles separately.
This stripped-down model still includes a soap dispenser, 20 ft. hose and a 35 ft. power cord. It can be used horizontally or vertically just like the model GPW1602 pressure washer. One feature that is not stripped down is the motor. Greenworks has equipped this pressure washer with a powerful motor that cranks out 1500 PSI at 1.2 GPM. You still get great performance and cleaning ability but at a discounted price. The hose and trigger handle use the M22 universal threaded attachments. This means you can often find 3rd-party accessories for this model. This may never be necessary, however, as Greenworks already offers a number of additional attachments for all of their pressure washers.
4. Greenworks GPW1951
Model GPW1951 is yet another fine example of a pressure washer from Greenworks. It features a lot of the same benefits and features of the previous models on this list. This model also uses a powerful 13-amp motor. It produces 1950 PSI of water pressure and has a water flow of 1.2 GPM. It comes with an array of nozzles from 0° to 40°. The nozzles use the Greenworks quick-connect system that makes it easy to change them out. A soap nozzle is included so you can use detergents and cleaning solutions to tackle specific stains. One unique addition with this model is the inclusion of a bonus nozzle. They throw in a turbo nozzle that can increase the cleaning ability by up to 50%. This attachment is normally sold separately, so it is nice to get one right off the bat.
This model is rugged and well-constructed. It provides plenty of water pressure and all that you need for most jobs. Dual tanks make it easy to use more than one type of cleaning solution. Sturdy rear wheels make it easy to pull around during your work. This unit can do anything from medium to heavy-duty cleaning projects. It comes with a 25 ft. high-pressure water hose and a 35 ft. power cord. Greenworks covers this water pressure with a nice 1-year warranty.
5. Greenworks GPW2002
One of the first things worth noting about the Greenworks GPW2002 pressure washer is its impressive PSI rating. At 2000 PSI it offers the highest water pressure of any model on our list. It just barely edges out models GPW1950 and GPW1951 which crank out 1950 PSI.It is also tied with another model on this list which we haven’t yet come to. This makes the model one of the most powerful and capable pressure cleaners you can buy. It’s not the cheapest, however, and does lack a few of the features and perks of the GPW1950 model.
This pressure washer is powered by yet another 13-amp induction motor. At this point it should be clear that Greenworks likes using this specific power plant for their pressure washers. This is for good reason as it is a very reliable and efficient motor. In addition to the high pressure, it can push out 1.2 gallons-per-minute of water flow. It offers an array of different nozzles and is yet another compact model where everything can easily be stored right on the unit. A hose reel makes storage simple and neat. The hose is 25 ft. in length and the power cord is once again an adequate 35 ft. long.
Thinking you’re headed in the right direction? Read our Greenworks 2000 PSI pressure washer reviews.
6. Greenworks GPW1702
Not everyone will need massive water pressure to remove paint, oil and worse from their property. For those looking for a light to medium-duty pressure washer, the model GPW1702 from Greenworks fits this bill. It’s the perfect solution for washing your car, boat, porch or vinyl siding. It produces a lower PSI rating of 1700 and has a water flow of 1.2 GPM. This is another compact model that is small and light and easy to transport. It takes up very little storage space. Greenworks includes quick-connect nozzles for this model but skips on the laser-like 0° nozzle and instead gives you the options of 25° to 40°.
This model is another great budget buy coming in at the third-lowest price by just a hair. You still get the length 20 foot hose with a 35 foot power cord that Greenworks likes to add to most models. A soap applicator is included with this pressure washer. It also features the handy cord holder and hose winder so it stores nicely. Like many other models, it can be used horizontally or vertically for your convenience. For a great price you get a rugged model that can handle the more common cleaning jobs a homeowner will need to take care of.
7. Greenworks GPW2001
Greenworks model GPW2001 is our second entry on the list to provide a whopping 2000 PSI of water pressure. The water flow rating is 1.2 GPM. This is another premium model meant for tackling the most extreme cleaning duties. As such, it’s also a little bigger, a little heavier and a little pricier. It’s a pressure washer that can only be used in the upright, horizontal position. It still doesn’t take up too much room when stored. Thankfully, Greenworks have once again added in a reel for the hose and a holder for the power cord. The hose is 25 ft. long and the power cord comes in at 35 ft. Rear wheels once again make this unit easy to roll about.
The nozzle selection here is diverse with three models of 0, 25 and 40 degrees. These are the most commonly used nozzles that should get you through most jobs. It’s worth noting that the GPW1950 provides a couple more, adding more versatility to that particular pressure washer. This model includes dual detergent tanks so you can be prepared for different types of grime and different types of surfaces. An included wand makes it easier to get to some of those hard-to-reach areas you will no doubt encounter.
8. Greenworks GPW1952
Last but not least on our list is the Greenworks GPW1952 Pressure Washer. This model comes with three nozzles. It has the 25° and 40° hose tips that were also present in the GPW1702 model. This is another 200 PSI unit that has a water-flow rating of 1.2 GPM. It does seem strange that they would leave off the thin, high-pressure nozzle on a model with this much power. It does make up for the lack of a 0° nozzle, though, by packing in the excellent turbo nozzle instead. Tall 5 in. wheels make it easy to maneuver while on the job. Once again we see the combination of a 25 ft. hose and a long 35 ft. power cord.
This unit is larger than some but Greenworks has added their handy hose reels and cord storage once again. This pressure washer also includes a soap applicator to really break up any hard-packed mud, grease and grime. This is a quiet unit that won’t bother the neighbors or your own family. If you need to do some heavy-duty cleaning chores and don’t mind the turbo nozzle in lieu of a 0°, thin jet of water, then this is a nice all-around model to purchase.
The Top Pick
Model GPW1950, the first model reviewed, is the best electric pressure washer on this list. It’s also one of the best overall models available today. You wouldn’t be disappointed if you purchased any of these eight pressure washers from Greenworks. There are, however, a few things that set the model GPW1950 apart from the pack. The motor is among the most powerful and efficient available. The light weight and portability are great assets as well. Everything can easily be stored in a tight, clean package when it’s time to put the unit away. The unit is also very versatile and can tackle almost any type of job you can imagine.
Read About Other Brands of Electric Pressure Washers
Everyone’s situations and preferences are different, and it may just be that the products offered by Greenworks just aren’t for you. That’s totally fine! We have everything you need here to find the best electric pressure washer for your home, no matter your needs. If after reading through our site you’re still having trouble, make sure to get in touch with us and we’ll help point you in the right direction.